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The Boondiggas - Sexy

Sometimes, I take walks to solve my boredom. My usual routine consists of walking to the opposite side of campus then back. The last building on campus is the music building. As I was approaching the building, I heard live music. It was coming from the bar across the street. I might as well check it out. What I heard was a band called The Boondiggas, who's set consisted of a Funk Rock hybrid. It is a bit strange sitting in a bar by myself, but I was liking what I was seeing. As time went on, hoards of drunk people took to the open space to dance and have a good time. Me, being, completely sober, was not particularly keen to dancing at the moment. Believe me though, this music was danceable.
One of their representatives gave me their business card with all of their info on it. Okay. Seeing that this blog is now a world famous fortess of knowledge that makes Piero Scaruffi jealous, I might as well review their latest album, Sexy, released in 2012.
Getting straight to the point, the guys sound like their having fun. Their clear objective is to make danceable music. Most of the time, it's through funk jams that would suit any bar just fine. When they are feeling particularly saucy, they touch on their reggae side, which seems groovy enough.
This brings me to my second point: The songs on this album are nothing more then jams to show off the musician's knowledge of the blues scale. They do just fine with that. If you come in looking for great songwriting, this isn't the place to look.
This is just fine. I like jams. I think they are fun. That being said, it would be nice if the guitarist were to... stop. What better way to play funk then chopping up chords? Right? Right? Well... While the rest of the band marches off with the terrific horn section, the rhythm section stays with the rhythm section. It is pretty easy to tell that these guys all just came from jazz ensamble class. It feels constrained. When I want funk, I want some pentatonic fills every few bars.
Also, the lead singer wears a fedora.


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