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fourwallsandaroof Review

fourwallsandaroof is probably the best room on turntable.fm entire site. The owner (faded) is pretty cool, but he can't into AnCo so he is suck. :P spooky is a qt, and he likes AncO so he is cool. QuincyJones420MD is a nice guy, but he can't into aNcO so he is pleb. Jung Manhater is one of my favorite users, and he likes AC Collective except Peacebone, so he's alright. wildCosmia is cool, but she can't into hip-hop so I question her sanity, but at least she likes Avey Tare and the Animals. Benway is nice, and he likes DEAK so he is kewl. Nubbin is based as fuck, but he can't into Animals Collection so he's a little weird. MIKE_TV 420 is my favorite user because the only artist in his list of favorites is AC, so he is super patrish. The other people that go here are alright. As for the music that gets played, it's pretty good. I think the only time I didn't bop is when somebody played Skrillex, so there you go. The rules are pretty good, except the no songs under 10 minutes rule, because sometimes I want to troll. This is a really good room and you should visit it at least once a day, if you don't you are suck.

The room gets a 7.4/10.
< >

1 comment:

  1. yay finially i don't suck at something in life bc im there all day all night everyday thats great thank you for the information
