Is there a god? Does he usually send angels down upon earth? All of these questions and more are answered in the album of the cen tury, ☥...
12:32 AM
Is there a god? Does he usually send angels down upon earth? All of these questions and more are answered in the album of the cen tury, ☥...
My parents are pretty cool. My mom's name is Cosmia, and my dad's name is Mike. They have a good taste in music so that's good...
Milo - Things that Happen at Day/Night (2013) Conscious Rap / Experimental Hip Hop / Spoken Word This double-EP has been my rap AOTY s...
Gillian Welch - Time (The Revelator) 2001 Bluegrass / Americana / Female Vocalist For those who believe that bluegrass necessarily in...
i smoked some weed around 3:30 oclock. at first i smoked my weed out of my weed bong. it was some good shit. makes you huigh wile gettomg ...
Unfortunately for Spanish Air, I did not ignore his Bandcamp page . Fortunately, I am pleased to say that this album is great! You hear...
Cosmia wants me to review her review. It is a very great review. I almost fainted because I was so stunned by the perfection of the revie...